In Madagascar, one in four children aged 6–10 does not attend primary school and one in three children aged 11–14 does not attend lower secondary school. Let Us Learn is an integrated education program that is creating opportunities for vulnerable and excluded children, particularly girls, in Madagascar to realize their right to an education in a secure and protective environment.
By providing vulnerable girls with opportunities to realize their right to an education in a secure and protective environment, Let Us Learn aims to reduce poverty and ultimately empower Madagascar’s next generation of female leaders. The program will be implemented in the Androy and Atsimo Andrefana regions and will support children as they transition from primary to lower secondary school.
UNICEF’s Let Us Learn is an integrated education program that is creating opportunities for vulnerable and excluded children, particularly girls, in Madagascar. The project is focused on reaching out-of-school children, expanding girls’ education and improving quality outcomes for learners.
From 2016 through 2020 Zonta International contributed US$2,000,000 to UNICEF USA to support the Let Us Learn Madagascar project. In 2020, Zonta International announced an additional commitment of US$500,000 to support Phase III. Specific objectives are to:
- Ensure that more children, particularly girls (who drop out at higher levels in the post-primary level) have access to post-primary education and stay in school.
- Ensure that Madagascar’s education system has the capacity to offer quality teaching for enhanced learning outcomes.
- Around 100 children will learn in two new classrooms, which will be complete with latrines, a water point, and equipment.
- 100 schools will receive pedagogical materials annually.
- 100 school principals will be trained.
- 100 follow-up monitoring visits and activities will be conducted by the pedagogical support officers.
- 750 households will benefit from conditional cash transfers.
- 700 children (at least 50 percent girls) will be reintegrated into school after attending catch-up classes.
- 3,500 children will have increased knowledge of life skills that support their well-being and healthy development.
- Eight school districts will be supported to implement a code of conduct against violence in schools and to develop a functional intake and referral mechanism for child victims of violence and exploitation.
- 114 children’s clubs will be established to implement plans of action to raise awareness in their schools and communities about the issue of violence.
- 1,600 children at risk and victims of violence and exploitation in schools and communities will benefit from medical, legal, or social support.
Read a detailed project description to find out more about the progress and achievements of this successful partnership between UNICEF USA and Zonta International. Read the 2018-2020 project description.
Read blog posts with updates, thoughts and reflections from an April 2019 visit to Let Us Learn Madagascar project sites in southern Madagascar.